
In an era of greater urbanization, increased population density and climate changes that all impact our fragile infrastructures, the security of our public health faces enormous risks and challenges. Emergency Public Health is the use of tools and analysis to prepare and respond to emergencies that affect communities at the local, national, and global levels.

Founded in 2014, Emergency Public Health, aims to inform community members, public health practitioners, and decision makers about current public health crises around the world, provide analysis on the current state of response activities, and serve as an information hub for emergency preparedness.

This website was created after the realization that global public health crises have local solutions and that local innovations should have a platform to be shared with the global community.

  1. To provide timely analysis and evaluation of critical public health emergencies around the globe.
  2. To serve as a consolidation of information from a variety of sources on emergency preparedness
  3. To advocate for emergency readiness and response in times of crises around the world.


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